Monday, June 14, 2010

It's been a while

Hello readers. It has been about a month since I last posted. But there has been so much going on. As you may know The Vintage Ramble has been taking up most of my time, and dare I say, the new blog is on my mind most days. If you haven't seen it, here it is Developing the blog and such, has been lots of fun, and there are some great things coming up on the blog and for The Vintage Ramble.

Work aside, I haven't been doing many sewing projects, but have been out in the garden quite a bit. I snapped these pictures a couple weeks ago, and already the gardens have changed. They are getting bigger and other flowers are starting to bloom. It's pretty great how a garden can do that. A constant evolution. Even from year to year, as the garden matures, it changes the face of the landscape drastically. I'll post some updated pictures throughout the summer. All I can say is that I am enjoying the gardens that we have planted (thanks mom!) My mom has been a great help, with her green thumb and advice.

I have some craft projects on the make, so will be posting some of those soon. Until then enjoy the heat!

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